Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall Football

 Football Season has begun. Max's team name in Rhino, team color is green and his number is 9.
 You can pick him out by the gray gloves that he wears. Those gloves help him to hold on to the ball.
 Brad and Keaton watch, I mean messing around. Hey what else is there to do, right?

There is our boy in the center see the gray gloves. I love that he is wearing those gloves. Makes it easier for me to keep him in my camera.

 Look at him running to catch the guy with the ball.
 Isn't this the cutest (I know, not a word associated with football) picture. Opposing team getting ready for a field goal.

 My Max all sweaty and rosy cheeked. So intense, so focused. How cute is he.

Okay maybe this is the real Max.
Okay Nana, are you done taking pictures......?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hello Fall

Monday, September 19, 2011

Checking ride height requirements before we even enter the park.

Passing out admission tickets. Yup was raining. Dad, Chris, Robin, Brooke, Brad, Max, Keaton and Sara. World's of Fun are you ready for us?

This was my one and only ride. Brooke, Sara and Max rode with me.

Can you say cheeseburger

I think they are sad they chose not to go on this awesome ride.

Oh this ride is soooo much fun. Woo Hoo.

High above Planet Snoopy

The Gangs All Here

We had a wonderful time. As you can see the sun did come out. We had a wonderful day. Food, Fun and Family, doesn't get better than that