Friday, November 26, 2010

Defining Tradition

Traditions, I believe are every changing.

This year for the first time every Dad and I met Stephen and Brent for a lovely dinner at the Capital Grille on the Plaza in Kansas City. We had the option to eat off the menu or have the traditional meal. We opted for the traditional meal. Ah, to eat, visit and relax leaving the cooking and cleaning to others. It was a nice break from the "tradition" of cleaning, slaving over a hot stove, worry about having enough, cleaning, Oh cleaning is in there twice.....

Friday, Chris and his family have a tradition of going out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. 


After eating a huge               breakfast, like we hadn't gorged the day before, off they go the Christmas tree farm       to get the holiday tree.

Okay so before we get to the Christmas tree farm we make a tiny stop.....  Yummo!
Then we are off the next stop. Oh the choices they have. Is it this one? Is it that one?

Finally one is chosen.

Ah, tradition it is what brings family together once they are grown and out on their own. Eating, watching a game, choosing new ornaments or picking the tree. Got to love traditions. Let's keep the old ones adding new ones as we change and grow. Most of all remember it is all about family.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Boys Day Out With Nana

Lunch at CiCi's Pizza
I had told the boys we would have a day out when Megamind was released. That movie seemed like a boys kind of movie and one that Popie would stay awake in. Saturday day Mom and Dad bought the boys over. They started with a little tree climbing as the adults visited for awhile and Sara was able to have some "girl" time with Anna having a tea party. Of course Sara wanted to go to the movie also but she is not a boy....... That said it all.
Movie was in 3D. We sat up front, 3rd row back. Not exactly the best place for Nana to sit. I spent most of the time with my eyes closed so I wouldn't get dizzy. Let's see large popcorn, drinks and candy from Target. This is on top of the pizza at lunch (getting nauseated as I type) and 3D images coming out at me. Pop stayed awake... It was a great movie give it a 2 thumbs up. Boys agree.

After that stimulation we decide to recycle Nana's office plastic, cans and newspaper. Treat for helping do a good green deed was a trip to....

No, our Barnes and Noble does not look like this but books and hot chocolate were enjoyed by all. I can't refused the purchase of books.

That is my weakness $$$$ later the boys decided they had to have dinner before heading home. As if we had not been eating our way up and down Wanamaker.
The decision on where to eat was unanimous. Yup you guessed it.

Of course it has the Megamind toy.

What a perfect day we all had, love my boys.

Car Shopping........for a Teenage

Brooke, one of my most precious granddaughters, a 17 year old High School senior is feeling what they call the middle child syndrome.
You know the how come they got cars their junior year and I don't have one yet? Now, she is a wonderfully patient child, I mean young women, and I understand her frustration. Of course I did not get my first car until I was married..... That is a whole other story and we won't go there.
After several weeks of looking on, and looking at dealerships we were getting to the point of frustration. No cars in our price range. Apparently there was this little thing called "Cash for Clunkers" you know to help boost the economy.
This last cold and wet Friday we went looking for cars. We were going to buy a car if it was the last thing we did. Fortified with a Latte and hot chocolate we looked and looked and looked, you guessed it, looked some more.

Nope none of these were good enough for our Brooke.....
Finally we found the right one. One that would get her to school, work and any errands that her Mom would ask of her.

We are all happy.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Woodcrafting Store

To those that are crafty, you know how you can spend hours at Michaels, Hobby Lobby and JoAnns? Well, there is the equivalent for men. It's called Woodcraft. They have every type of machine, tool and even wood. In the back is the "classroom" where you can use those tools you can't afford or don't have the space for, like scrap-booking. There are even guides to help you with your projects. Of course, their tools are more expensive.
I am hooked. Today I am buying an attachment so I can really sharpen my knives and scissors.
I know what you are thinking are you really going to do this? Well, he is.......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Midterm Election

It's the beginning of November you know what that means? Yup, voting time. What every American longs for... cessation of the political ads. Question, who do you vote for when you don't believe or trust those running for office. Must ponder this.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Does this iPhone app work?

Wondering while waiting for washer to finish, if this really will work. Grace is also wondering what is she doing.

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We had our tastebuds all set for cider  donuts but alas .... all gone.

Choosing that right pumpkin takes time you have make sure that it's the correct shape, color and weight or....................             have others pick them for you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Colors and Textures of Fall

 Taken from my bedroom window in New Derry New Hampshire
 Mums - Roadside Vermont
 Roadside Vegetable stand
 Light filtering through the leaves
What a wonderful place for thoughtful reflections. Close to my maternal grandparents and uncle.

Fall Musing

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.

~George Cooper, "October's Party"